WhiBal G7 White Balance Studio Card
To get the best from your digital camera, use a gray card to accurately set white balance. WhiBal’s G7 White Balance Studio Card is an extremely accurate, convenient gray card that can hang on a studio hook or lanyard (not included), and can be used in any shooting situation. It can also be used to set neutral White and Black reference areas for setting dynamic range in digital capture using the Black and White Eyedroppers available within Lightroom and other RAW conversion software, Photoshop and most other editing software.
By photographing a gray card reference for each lighting situation, you’ll be able to achieve a proper white balance for all of your pictures. The gray card reference picture can be used with software to balance the color casts that various lighting conditions produce with all digital cameras.
- Spectrally neutral–reflects all colors through the spectrum equally. The G7 Reference Card has both *a and *b Lab channel values of less than 1 at D50 and are spectrally “flat”. It’s spec’d at less than +/- 0.5.
- Maintains its spectral neutrality under all reasonable temperature and environmental conditions.
- Rugged–waterproof and scratchproof (color goes all the way through, not just a coating on top).
- Does not respond to UV light any differently than the visible spectrum.
- Each card is individually measured with a precision spectrophotometer to certify that it meets or exceeds stringent specifications.
- Designed for low reflectivity, except that the sticker is intentionally highly reflective so that maximum TrueBlack Blackpoint level may be achieved by observing for maximum glare point.
- Can be used to set white balance reference, Black point and White point.