Video Capture & Streamers Epiphan

Showing all 4 results

Epiphan AV.IO HD+ USB Portable Video Grabber Fashion

Original price was: $449.95.Current price is: $134.98.
Epiphan AV.IO HD+ USB Portable Video GrabberTake video and audio from HDMI compatible cameras and audio mixers and capture via

Epiphan SDI Portable Video Grabber Fashion

Original price was: $519.00.Current price is: $155.70.
Epiphan SDI Portable Video GrabberThe SDI Portable Video Grabber from Epiphan can be used with your favorite webcam

Epiphan LiveScrypt Real-Time Automatic Transcription Supply

Original price was: $1,755.00.Current price is: $526.50.
Epiphan LiveScrypt Real-Time Automatic TranscriptionMake your events more accessible and engaging with real-time speech-to-text conversion by LiveScrypt, a dedicated automatic

Epiphan Webcaster X2 with HDMI Cable 1.5′ & Fastener Straps (10-Pack) Bundle Discount

Original price was: $359.00.Current price is: $107.70.
Epiphan Webcaster X2 with HDMI Cable 1.5′ & Fastener Straps (10-Pack) BundleExpanding the streaming abilities of the previous generation X1